
Family Law and Divorce

What is a Divorce? Actually, in Florida, this is technically called a “Dissolution of Marriage”, but “Divorce” is still an accepted and widely used term. A Dissolution of Marriage is just what is says, the dissolution (or dissolving or ending) of a marriage and the resolution of the issues that come along with it. Some of those issues are the division of property, division of debts, time sharing, and contact with minor children (“custody”), child support, and alimony. In a majority of cases, it is these issues that are the source of argument, not the actual ending of the marriage.

Grounds for Dissolution of Marriage: In Florida, the Husband or Wife may file alleging that the marriage is irretrievably broken. This can be due to “irreconcilable differences”. There is no “fault based” divorce in Florida. While issues such as adultery, abandonment, or domestic violence are not legal grounds alone to dissolve a marriage, they can, to differing degrees, be important to the other issues of the case.

Residency Requirement: You or your spouse must reside in Florida for at least six months before filing for a Dissolution of Marriage. This establishes jurisdiction over the marriage. Additionally, the case can be filed in the county in which you last resided together as Husband and Wife, or in a county mutually agreed upon by the parties. If the parties live in different states or different counties, it is best to contact an attorney who is knowledgeable and competent with ALL issues of jurisdiction, and venue. Not knowing all the law regarding jurisdiction and venue can get your case transferred, or worse, dismissed.

Parental Responsibility and Time Sharing: In Florida, the word “custody” is, for the most part, not used. Years ago, the legislature got rid of “custody” and started to use the term “primary residence”. More recently, the legislature decided to eliminate this term also and this has resulted in a lot of confusion and vagueness regarding which parent has “custody”. The idea is to promote the idea that both parents are equal, or at least start out that way, in the eyes of the law. This does not necessarily mean that rotating custody happens in every case, but it is becoming more common than in years past. Ultimately, the best interests of the child will determine Parental Responsibility and Time Sharing (or “custody”).

Child Support: Child support is based on the number of overnights and income of the parties. Some other minor factors can change the calculated number.

Alimony: (or “Spousal Support”): In Florida, you can ask for temporary or permanent support in a variety of ways. The Court will consider several factors including the length of the marriage and the relative incomes of the parties.  Some forms of alimony can be modified later, such as permanent periodic alimony, and some generally cannot, such as lump-sum alimony.

Division of Property: Florida has “equitable” division of property. This, for the most part, means that all marital property is divided equally, with a few exceptions. This applies to real estate and personal property. Of course, you and your spouse can agree to divide up the property how you wish as well, saving you time, money, and avoiding frustration.

Divorce Attorney Kissimmee

Contested Divorce Basics

Contested Divorce Basics

by Shawn Hungate.

When someone hears the word “divorce”, a contested divorce, with all its procedures, is what often comes to mind.  This process begins with a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage filed with the clerk of courts.  This Petition can be filed by either the Husband or the Wife (or either “party”).  That party becomes the Petitioner.  This Petition is then served on the other party, who is called the Respondent.  The Respondent typically has 20 days to answer the Petition.

The Petition contains allegations about the marriage.  It must allege that the marriage is irretrievably broken.  It may contain other allegations including, but not necessarily, a request to divide assets and debts, a claim for time sharing with children, a claim for child support, and claims for alimony, among other things.

The Respondent then must file an Answer or risk being defaulted, allowing the Petitioner to go forth to the Judge for a final hearing.  The Respondent may also file a Counter-Petition.  The Counter-Petition would contain allegations just like a Petition would and must be answered by the other party.

Often times, financial disclosure is provided with, or soon after, service of the initial Petition for Dissolution of Marriage.  If this is not done, financial disclosure (or “Mandatory Disclosure”) is required within 45 days of the service of the initial petition.  The amount of disclosure can vary depending on the parties’ incomes and expenses.  This financial disclosure is often required prior to temporary relief hearings.  In Osceola County, Mediation is usually also required before temporary relief matters are heard.  In all cases, at minimum, a Financial Affidavit is required.

Mediation is a major part of a contested divorce and is required in most cases (cases without a default entered) to give the parties an opportunity to settle their case prior to going to a final hearing.  This can help the parties avoid a protracted process preparing for a trial.  The purpose of mediation is not to save a broken marriage, but to give the husband and wife a chance to dictate there own terms of the divorce without the Judge deciding their case for them.  The parties should realize that compromise is important in a mediation if you want to successfully settle their case.  There can be one or several mediations in a single divorce proceeding.  A mediation can settle some issues, all issues, or no issues.  Mediations are attended by the Husband, the Wife, their attorneys, and a mediator.  Third parties are typically not allowed to attend mediations.

If the case is not settled at mediation, the parties can still attempt to settle out of court, or have their attorneys try to work toward a settlement.  If no settlement is reached, cases often proceed with depositions, interrogatories, and further discovery.  Eventually, the parties would go to a final hearing (a Trial) and have the Judge decide the issues that were not settled on at mediation.  At this Trial, each side will have an opportunity to present their side and make their requests to the Judge.

Anyone going through a divorce, especially a contested divorce, should realize that it is unrealistic to expect to be “happy” with their divorce.  A divorce can be emotionally and financially devastating.  The parties now living apart and, often times, alone can be difficult.  In cases with children, the time spent away from them can be very trying.  Finally, the simple fact that there are two households to support instead of one is enough to cause a serious financial strain on the parties.

It is always a good idea to consult an attorney before you proceed with a divorce and I would be happy to talk to you about your own unique circumstances.

Shawn L Hungate Attorney at Law, 811 Patrick Street, Kissimmee, FL 34741  407-846-1529

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